Eat Horror
Zombie Horror Film Zombie Strippers poster

Zombie Strippers

Released - 2008
Genre - Horror, Comedy
Director - Jay Lee
Starring - Jenna Jameson, Robert Englund, Roxy Saint, Joey Medina

This tongue-in-cheek horror comedy tells the tale of a strip club in small town Nebraska which gets hit by a zombie outbreak. The strippers become infected but continue to strip and the guys love it so business is booming for the sleazy owner (played by Robert Englund). The only catch is the zombie strippers like to chomp on the hapless men who visit the club, before long the place is filled with zombies. With plenty of nudity and gore this film doesn't take itself seriously and offers an entertaining blast of zombie action.

Gore - loads of gore, biting, stabbing, shooting, the works

Zombies - they seem to be able to control their flesh eating urges to pick targets and they continue to pole dance as zombies

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