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Zombie Horror Film Xombies 3D poster

Xombies 3D

Released - 2011
Genre - Horror, Action, Comedy
Director - Johnny Markussen
Starring - Hanna Jenny Stark, David Allen, Silje Reinamo, Henrik Berg Larsen, Michael Boardman, T. Benjamin Larsen, Magnus Kjorrefjord

Xombies 3D is an incredibly strange film. Set in a post-apocalyptic world full of zombies it follows a man and a woman with a prisoner in tow. They are being pursued by a couple of heavily armed maniacs in the employ of some kind of evil Nazi. It's basically a chase movie with a ton of violent zombie action. The visual style is completely unique as the film often blends several layers and is packed with dated 3D effects. It almost has a comic book aesthetic mixed with an old school video game look. It's a low budget film so the acting is ropy, the plot and dialogue are bizarre and the humour won't appeal to everyone. It is very inventive and very, very weird.

Gore - it is pretty gory but the violence is almost cartoon style

Zombies - these are proper slow moving zombies but the make-up and effects are cheap

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