Eat Horror
Zombie Horror Film Wicked Little Things poster

Wicked Little Things

Released - 2006
Genre - Horror
Director - J. S. Cardone
Starring - Lori Heuring, Scout Taylor-Compton, Chloe Moretz, Geoffrey Lewis, Ben Cross

The film opens with an incident in a Pennsylvania mine in 1913 where an evil mine boss orders a charge to be detonated while his child workers are still underground. Fast forward to the present day where widowed Karen and her two daughters are moving to the house her husband left her deep in the hills near the mine. It doesn't take long for spooky events to begin and they soon realise via the crazy old man who lives further up the hill that the children who were trapped in the mine years before are now zombies. The plot is extremely silly and doesn't bear much scrutiny but the setting is great and the atmosphere is built up quite nicely. The wee zombies are all armed with pick axes and spades and they are frighteningly vicious. While this is vaguely creepy in places with the odd touch of gore it never really provides a decent scare and it sticks to genre formula a little too closely.

Gore - not much going on here, a few gory dismemberments but all filmed in the dark

Zombies - these kiddie zombies are far from traditional, they look like normal kids except they have dark eyes and only come out at night and they also use pick axes and spades to kill their victims

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