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Supernatural Horror Film The Exorcist poster

The Exorcist

Released - 1973
Genre - Horror, Drama
Director - William Friedkin
Starring - Max von Sydow, Jason Miller, Linda Blair, Ellen Burstyn

The Exorcist has long laid claim to the title of scariest movie of all time. It tells the tale of a young girl who becomes possessed by the devil and her anguished mother's attempts to deal with the situation. The film is shocking and deeply disturbing, full of hauntingly dark images which stick in your mind. The direction from Friedkin is superb, the tension is unbearable and there are some really frightening moments. There is no doubting that this film is very scary and the religious nature seems to lend it a further reality which is divorced from most horror films. This isn't some faceless killer, this is the devil himself.

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