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Sci-Fi Horror Film Terminal Invasion poster

Terminal Invasion

Released - 2002
Genre - Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Director - Sean S. Cunningham
Starring - Bruce Campbell, Chase Masterson, C. David Johnson, Kedar Brown

A prisoner is being transferred but when the cops driving him crash their car in a storm the party ends up taking refuge at a very small airport. It just so happens that aliens are using this terminal as a training ground for their forthcoming invasion. The group are trapped by the bad weather and have to figure out who is human and who isn't so they can survive long enough to escape. There is one reason to watch this and his name is Bruce Campbell. Playing the grizzled prisoner he soon takes charge and in his usual laconic style keeps you amused during what is otherwise a poorly written, low budget affair. Bruce is the star of the show here and so for fans this is a must have film. It is cheap and cheesy but full of Campbell goodness and he makes it really enjoyable throwaway entertainment.

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