Released - 2011
Genre - Horror, Sci-Fi
Director - Michael Wannenmacher
Starring - Brett Swain, Michael Wannenmacher
I don't usually review short films on Eat Horror but Quinkin looked too interesting to turn down. This post-apocalyptic tale sees two men, Paul and Vox, out on a mysterious expedition to find some kind of beast. The barren Australian outback provides the perfect backdrop to the action which hinges on the growing antipathy between the two central characters. The scarcity of water is obvious and the revelation that some disaster has befallen mankind is subtly revealed through the dialogue. As the men approach their destination Paul teases Vox with a riddle. His inability to solve it ratchets the tension up and threatens to be a dangerous distraction to the task at hand. This is beautifully directed, well-acted and creepy in an understated way. It also draws you in and conjures questions in your mind, directly thanks to the riddle device and gently with the shrouded malevolence they are hunting. There's enough here to suggest that a full feature from Wannenmacher would be well worth seeing.
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