Eat Horror
Psychological Horror Film Naked Blood poster

Naked Blood

Released - 1995
Genre - Horror, Drama, Mystery
Director - Hisayasu Sato
Starring - Misa Aika, Yumika Hayashi, Mika Kirihara, Sadao Abe, Masumi Nakao

This is seriously strange and surreal stuff from Japan. An eccentric teenage scientist develops a formula which turns pain to pleasure and unleashes it on three unsuspecting women who think they are taking part in a contraception study. This is bleak, slow moving drama punctuated by extremely disturbing gore scenes including a woman literally eating herself. This isn't gore for the sake of it though, there is a strong theme of loneliness and an obvious disgust at superficiality and greed in society. It is very well made and there are touches of humour but unless you are into extreme cinema you may have trouble sitting through the latter part of the movie.

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