Eat Horror
Psychological Horror Film Mr In-Between poster

Mr In-Between

Released - 2001
Genre - Horror, Crime
Director - Paul Sarossy
Starring - Andrew Howard, Geraldine O'Rawe, Andrew Tiernan, David Calder, Clint Dyer

Jon is a gifted psychopath which is handy because he works as a hitman for a twisted crime lord with a long list of people to kill. His cold, mechanical existence is blown apart when he bumps into an old school friend Andy. Turns out Andy married the girl Jon fancied at school, Cathy, and now he doesn't appreciate her. Jon struggles with the new human ties he is building and things reach an inevitable head when his boss notices a drop in his usually clinical performance. The plot sounds pedestrian but the characterization here is great and Jon's boss is a properly scary character who adds a real touch of horror. This is unremittingly dark and doesn't compromise.

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