Eat Horror
Serial Killer Film Killers poster


Released - 1996
Genre - Horror, Thriller
Director - Mike Mendez
Starring - Dave Larsen, David Gunn, Damian Hoffer, Nanette Bianchi, Renee Cohen, Ivan Vertigo

This is an original and stylish horror flick about two brothers who kill their parents on Christmas Eve and subsequently go on a killing spree when they get out of prison. They run into a dysfunctional family, and with the police closing in, things get very strange indeed. This is very low budget and it doesn't always make a great deal of sense, the direction is very stylish and it creates a great atmosphere but it is let down by some of the acting. There is definitely a blackly comic undertow but the action is played straight and while there are several good lines in the script there are also more than a few cheesy ones. It begins to drag towards the middle but then an unexpected twist kick-starts a gory ending. This certainly won't entertain everyone but it is satisfyingly different from your average horror film. Seriously whacky but unique and despite the flaws I enjoyed it.

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