Eat Horror
Slasher Horror Film Jigsaw poster


Released - 2002
Genre - Horror
Directors - Don Adams, Harry James Picardi
Starring - Barret Walz, Aimee Bravo, Mia Zifkin, Arthur Simone, Maren Lindow, James Palmer, Mark Vollmers, David Wesley Cooper

An art professor sets his students a strange end of term assignment. They are each given a piece of a mannequin and asked to decorate it as they see fit. The group get together at a remote bar and assemble their bizarre creation. They get drunk and burn it but the mannequin is not amused and promptly comes to life and begins to assemble a body of its own, using their limbs. The character development is actually quite good for a low budget horror and the acting was passable but they didn't manage to create any real tension or excitement. They also, probably wisely, didn't come up with any reason for the mannequin coming to life.

Gore - they really could have done with some decent gore to spice this up, some cheap blood splatter is all you get

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