Eat Horror
Supernatural Horror Film It poster


Released - 1990
Genre - Horror, Drama, Mystery
Director - Tommy Lee Wallace
Starring - Tim Curry, John Ritter, Annette O'Toole, Richard Thomas, Harry Anderson, Dennis Christopher, Tim Reid

This is a made for television adaptation of the Stephen King novel It about a group of young friends who once battled a malicious evil being who are drawn together again as adults to face It once more. The film makes for an absorbing drama but it never casts off that made for television sheen and it is disappointingly light on horror. It stays faithful enough to the book to provide a few chilling moments and it is an enjoyable yarn which is perfect for lazy Sunday afternoon viewing. When it comes to scary clowns Pennywise is the one that stuck in my imagination but there is no doubt the film version pales in comparison so if you are hungry for more Pennywise action the book is well worth getting.

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