Eat Horror
Zombie Horror Film Feeding the Masses poster

Feeding the Masses

Released - 2005
Genre - Horror, Comedy
Director - Richard Griffin
Starring - Billy Garberina, Rachael Morris, Patrick Cohen, Michael Propster, William DeCoff

The Lazarus Virus is reanimating the dead and in typical zombie flick style they're eating the living. The focus of the film is Channel 5 News and its struggling band of roving reporters. Heavily leaned on to play down the threat by the government a small band of rebel employees set out to reveal the truth about what is going on. Feeding the Masses is inescapably low budget but thanks to some decent acting performances and a goofy, comedic style the film is quite enjoyable. There are a few witty shots of satire and the cast of characters is colourful. While the comedy works the social commentary is a bit heavy handed and there is very little in the way of true horror. The gore is minimal and cheap but the whole thing is lifted by the manic Billy Garberina as the cameraman Torch and the creepy government official, Agent Barnes, played by William DeCoff. This is good fun zombie entertainment on a shoestring.

Gore - fairly cheap and sporadic

Zombies - standard zombies, slow, lumbering and hungry but the makeup isn't great

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