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Slasher Horror Film Fallen Angels poster

Fallen Angels

Released - 2002
Genre - Horror, Thriller
Director - Ian David Diaz
Starring - Esme Eliot, Michael Ironside, Kai Weisinger, Dallas Campbell, Jeff Fahey, Emily Booth

The appearance of Michael Ironside in the cast was enough to overcome the alarm bells set off by Jeff Fahey and so I decided to give this a go. Fallen Angels borrows a bit from various horror flicks with a Carrie style opening as three bitchy schoolgirls bully the plain Jane, or in this case Nell. Things turn sour when her sacked history professor (Fahey) tries to rape her and they manage to set the school on fire burning a load of teenage girls to death. Five years later they all return to film a documentary but of course a mysterious killer starts to pick them off. Ironside is the security guard turned sheriff and he adds a touch of class to a highly predictable slasher. It's not very imaginative but it does manage to be mildly entertaining.

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