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Psychological Horror Film Dread poster


Released - 2009
Genre - Horror, Drama, Thriller
Director - Anthony DiBlasi
Starring - Jackson Rathbone, Shaun Evans, Hanne Steen, Laura Donnelly

Clive Barker is an excellent horror writer and over the years many of his books, novellas and short stories have served as the basis for horror movies, most notably Hellraiser and Nightbreed. The last few releases seem to be working their way through his Books of Blood horror story collection and this one is based on one of the most powerful and memorable stories within that tome - Dread. The basic set up involves a couple of students running a study in fear. They interview people about their deepest fears, ostensibly for a film project. One of them has ulterior motives and predictably things spiral out of control when he can't get what he needs from the experiment. It's a decent adaptation, well-acted and directed, and while it doesn't reach the heights of the original story it comes a lot closer than most Barker inspired movies.

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