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Psychological Horror Film Don't Look in the Basement poster

Don't Look in the Basement

Released - 1973
Genre - Horror, Mystery
Director - S. F. Brownrigg
Starring - Bill McGhee, Jessie Lee Fulton, Robert Dracup, Betty Chandler, Annabelle Weenick, Rosie Holotik, Gene Ross

The film is set at a remote sanatorium where Dr. Stephens is experimenting with a forward thinking treatment plan for the mental patients under his care. Unfortunately his ideas backfire when one of his patients plants an axe in him. Enter the young Nurse Charlotte just in time to learn of her employer's unfortunate situation. She takes the job anyway but it soon becomes clear the inmates of this asylum have a bit too much freedom. This is low budget stuff with some pretty hammy performances and Nurse Charlotte's desire to stay stretches credulity, especially after the third attempt on her life. There's a fairly obvious final reveal but it takes a while to get there. This was originally banned but the gore is very tame by modern standards. The asylum clichés are here in force but only the Judge and the old woman are truly creepy. Ultimately it's a bit too slow and the script is terrible.

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