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Slasher Horror Film Curse of Alcatraz poster

Curse of Alcatraz

Released - 2007
Genre - Horror
Director - Daniel Zirilli
Starring - Phil Austin, Candise Lakota

Curse of Alcatraz is a truly awful eighties throwback. This horror wannabe is set on Alcatraz and tells the tale of a grim discovery in the prison basement, an old buried body which unleashes a terrible curse on the hapless inhabitants of the island. For all intents and purposes the film plays out like a generic slasher as the guards and teens at the prison are murdered one by one by a largely unseen killer. There is nothing to recommend this film although parts of it are so bad you have to laugh. Mostly though it is just very boring and you may struggle to stay awake all the way to the horrible ending.

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Gore - nope this whole film is just cheap and awful

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