Confessions of a Serial Killer
Released - 1985
Genre - Horror, Crime, Thriller
Director - Mark Blair
Starring - Robert A. Burns, Dennis Hill, Berkley Garrett, Sidney Brammer, DeeDee Norton
The fact this serial killer flick, yet another based on the real life evil of Henry Lee Lucas, has quotes from on the front (which means anonymously posted user comments) could be taken as a warning sign. In actual fact it is well acted by the lead, shot on grainy film for that exploitation feel and fairly well directed. Daniel Ray Hawkins has been on a murder spree and he decides to recount his life of mayhem on the open roads of America to a friendly policeman. It turns out he has killed an awful lot of people and we get glimpses of his past life via flashback sequences. He's a nasty rapist and murderer and that's pretty much all he has been doing for years, sometimes with the help of another psycho called Moon Lewton and his crazy sister Molly. This is slow and unpleasant viewing as you might expect but Robert A. Burns turns in a great performance as the killer.
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