Eat Horror
Clownhouse poster


Released - 1989
Genre - Horror
Director - Victor Salva
Starring - Nathan Forrest Winters, Brian McHugh, Sam Rockwell, Michael Jerome West, Byron Weible

As Halloween approaches three brothers visit the circus and we discover the youngest, Casey, has a serious phobia about clowns. When they return home his brothers make fun of his fear but meanwhile back at the circus three escaped lunatics have attacked the clowns and stolen their outfits. The murderous clowns wander the area searching for victims and of course Casey and his siblings become targets. There's no gore and with most of the murders taking place off screen the film is more about creepy atmosphere and building tension with the odd scare as a pay-off. It also focuses on the close relationship between the three brothers, including an early performance by Sam Rockwell as the eldest. The action scenes are a bit clumsy but clowns are creepy in my book and this film definitely has some chilling moments.

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