Alien Apocalypse
Released - 2005
Genre - Horror, Sci-Fi
Director - Josh Becker
Starring - Bruce Campbell, Renee O'Connor, Remington Franklin, Michael Cory Davis, Peter Jason
You either love Bruce Campbell or there is an empty hole in your life. If you are a fan of the greatest B-movie anti-hero to grace our screens then Alien Apocalypse is for you. A group of astronauts return from a long mission in space to find that plastic, bug-like aliens have taken over the planet and enslaved humanity. Bruce plays one of the astronauts, a doctor named Ivan Hood and along with his sidekick Kelly he sets about drumming up a revolution. This is hilariously cheap, badly written, poorly directed and features some of the worst special effects you are ever likely to see. Bruce aside everything about this movie is awful but the man himself exudes charm and his comic timing delivers the odd laugh which is just enough to see you through.
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